Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Thirty years since the revolution: Iran and the US From Financial Times FT.com

Thirty years since the revolution: Iran and the US From Financial Times FT.com
Thirty years since the revolution: Iran and the US
By FT reporters
Published: February 2 2009 19:03 Last updated: February 3 2009 12:09
The 1953 overthrow of Iran’s nationalist prime minister, Muhummed Mussadeq, was largely orchestrated by American and British intelligence agencies. It sawpower shift from a democratically-elected government to the US-backed Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, whose reign continued until 1979 when fundamentalistcleric Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile to be religious and political leader of the world’s first Islamic republic. This timeline shows how the 1979revolution has shaped Iranian-US relations.
CopyrightThe Financial Times Limited 2009

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